Monday, August 26, 2019

Module 2 Reflection: Native Americans


     Native Americans were greatly affected by the European colonization of the americas. Their population declined due to war, diseases, slavery, and territorial issues. Yaqui and Pimas struggled to get water and fertile land, while the Southwest had scarce resources. In the southeast European colonization was delayed until the 17th century because of the lack of minerals. The eastern Woodlands major groups are the Algonquian, the Iroquois, and the Muskogean. They lived in small bands from one to three hundred members and would move around several times a year. They lived in wigwams made of bent saplings covered with birchmark with one to two families. They would break into small bands and go hunting and fishing, Algonquians would plant crops as well.Native Americans have cultivated plants for food,dyes,medicines, and textiles; domesticated animals; established extensive patterns of trade; and built cities. The Mayans of Mexico have been the first to use the zero in mathematics. They also learned to grow many of the foods we eat today. Potatoes,beans,corn,peanuts,pumpkins,tomatoes,squash,peppers,nuts,melons, and sunflower seeds. Many activities that we play today come from native Americans. Example, canoeing,lacrosse,relay racing, and tug of wars. Native Americans also communicated with sign language. Hand signals were used to facilitate trade between different tribal groups.

                                                 Iroquois Chief


Pdf document

“Iroquois Indians Facts.” IROQUOIS INDIAN FACTS,


  1. Hello, Shatavia you had a valid point with how Natives helped the Europeans with the surviving skills and products that they created to help them in their own communities. Things that they traded are things that we produce and use on a daily basis. I feel like the colonist used the resources that the Natives gave them against them and that's why the Natives started to die off drastically like they did. Great information and resources! Thanks Shatavia.

  2. Hello Shatavia,

    All those things that the Natives attributed to are the things that helped develop the land. They were a very resourceful culture who thrived on the survival of their people. When the colonizers invaded their land they did not act with savagery as we were taught but rather with acceptance and understanding of new comers. It was not until the colonizers tried to use their land against them and take things that did not rightfully belong to them because instead of following the customs of the cultures they wanted to instill their own customs. Trying to stake claim to a nation that was already spoken for.

  3. Hey Shatavia! I agree with you when you pointed out that activities we do today were actually invented by the Native Americans. For example, Lacrosse. Lacrosse is a sport that is played across America today but do you see mostly Native Americans playing? No, it is a sport that is mostly played by White Americans or people that have the money to buy all of the equipment and the gear required for that sport.
