Tuesday, August 20, 2019

My Introduction ❤️

  My name is Shatavia Dallas, I am a freshman at Johnson C. Smith University. My major is Business Administration, my minor is undecided. I chose Business Administration because I want to learn all the skills it takes to become a successful business woman. I really want to work for the Bank of America.. the one downtown! I was born in Georgia, but I have lived in Charlotte for the past 4 years and I’m happy to call it home. I graduated from CLA in 2019. A charter school in Charlotte, NC. My hobbies are to eat & travel, I love to travel and go places, I have been to around 15 different states and I have lived in 5...I plan to visit all 50!
Map of the Earth


  1. Welcome to JCSU and to our class!!

  2. Shatavia,
    Which state have you been too? I also, have traveled to a variety of states, but I would like to travel outside of the United States. I have lived in 3 different states. Wisconsin, Indiana, and North Carolina. What states have you lived in? As far as majors and minors are concerned, don't put too much stress on a minor if you don't have too. They aren't required to graduate, but it is nice to have one, I do not however. I wish you the best of luck in the school year. Just stick to it and stay on top of your assignments and I know you will be fine.

  3. Hi shatavia! I also love to travel just like you. Which states have you visited so far? I have only been to a few states along the east coast and Ohio so nothing like the places you have been so far. I am glad that you like living in Charlotte! I was actually born and raised in Charlotte so it is good to hear that you like living here.

  4. Hello Shatavia,
    First I'd like to welcome you to Johnson C. Smith, go Golden Bulls. It might be a lot going into your first semester in college, but it is all worth it. I seen that you love to travel, that something i wish i could do a lot more, so maybe you gave me a little inspiration to do so. I would say to you to start strong, and finish even stronger, have a great semester!!!!
